
Charging Facilities

Suitable for the charging demands of various electric vehicles in different application scenarios. There are high-power outdoor integrated chargers and indoor partition machines under centralized management to provide charging services for large capacity pure electric buses, intensive taxis, etc.; hybrid charging facilities serving public vehicle, such as DC fast charging, DC power supplement facilities etc; and AC charging facilities serving small vehicles in residential area and other places. Systemic charging facility solutions can meet the wide demands of market application.

Integrate charging unit, charger port, HMI, communication, metering etc. as one, and realizes highly-efficient, low-risk and highly-reliable user experience via intelligent management including real time monitoring, active protection etc.
Parameter Range:

7KW AC pile (wall mounting/upright type), 30-200KW DC charger (Integrated/split type), super large power DC fast charging device of 200KW or above and various full range of products.

Technical standard such as international standard IEC61851 etc.
Main Products








  • TAS1101 (Streaming media AC pile)
  • TAS1301 (Wall mounting AC pile)
  • TAS2101 (Integrated DC charging pile)
  • TAS2103 (high-power integrated DC charging pile)
  • TAS2400 (Portable charger)
  • TAS3000 (Cloud charging management platform)
  • TAS4000 (Cloud charging APP)
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